Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stuffing Party

I have taken on helping my friend with her wedding recently we held a fondue party so that she could have assistance with her DIY invitations. It was a great hit with cheese fondue for starters, meat for a main course, and chocolate for dessert. We called it a stuffing party.Here are the pictures.

I used Pyrex dishes I received as a gift from a dear and wonderful Friend Nancy, they were also my guest of honors favorite color and wedding theme color., so it made for a nice tie in.

We used serving trays that we had painted with chalk board spray paint to label the different types of sauces available to try.

I decided to use paper towel instead of napkins because it would hold up better I folded it in half then down to create a pocket for the poker and fork.
Underneath the fondue pots are 6 tiles I picked up at the local hardware store for 16 cents a piece. I did this to protect the table from unwanted oil spills. I was also able to use my plate tier to help corral and organize the food choices. We swapped these oil pots out for small crock pots to melt the chocolate in

Meat should be cooked at 350 degrees
Chocolate at warm
and Cheese at 200.

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