IMade It Monday

I bought a dresser a while back and decided I to put my TV on it. I couldn't afford to have glass cut and edged to protect the dresser, so I decided to use a table runner. I couldn't find one that I was particularly fond of. I created one using upholstery remnants. As long as you cut on a straight edge all you need to do is turn the fabric inside out once you take your measurements and pin together the edges. Sow the long side and one short side shut. Turn the fabric right side out again, and hand stitch the last short end closed. Make sure to take your table measurements before you purchase remnants.


I had several miss matched candle sticks and plates I only used for parities. Walking through the flea market I saw a women who had taken fine china and attached candle sticks to it, to make a pretty cake plate. I decided to try my luck using E505 glue and a tooth pick to spread it, I know have cake plates at varied levels for when I host parties. They are not dishwasher safe but the plates I used weren't to beguine with. I love them they are fun an can be done with any plate that has a flat bottom and candle stick with a flat top that will allow it to stick to the candle stick. Let the glue dry for about a week. Make sure to lay paper down so you don't ruin the area your working in.


Walking through Good Will , I found a lamp without a shade. I bought the lamp for a dollar and began my search for a shade. I couldn't find anything I liked, so I bought one on clearance at target for about 4 dollar. I decided to add some ribbon to it and used an old pin I had to attach the bow I made. I played with the pin and ribbon until I found  a combination I liked. I decided not to use any glue just in case I decided to use the shade plain. Here is the end result

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