Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Organization Questions to Ask Yourself

Try not to spend more than two minutes on an item and the room. Ask yourselves the questions before you touch it, handling the item can provoke feelings of needing the item making it harder to de-clutter.
What is this room used for?

Can you get to everything you need?

Is it easy for others to find things in common shared rooms?

What do you like about the room?

What don't you like about the room?

What would you change and how?

Is there currently enough storage space?

What type of space do you have for storage and what type of storage do you want?

Where could you ad more?

Is the storage space that is there working for you?

Is there anything that shouldn't be in there?

How often do you use it?
Does it work properly?
Do you really need it?
Does it have a home?
Where do you put it now?
Is it easy to get too based on how often you use it?

Do you want to place this in storage with a lid or door?
At what height should you place it based on how heavy it is and often you use it?
Do you need it out on counters or shelves to access it?
When you reach into drawers and cabinet is it easy to grab what you are looking for?
Is it easy to put this item away?
Is your system of organization easy to follow?
Is there a better place for it?
Would you miss it if you got rid of it?
How many do you have, do you need?
Does the storage device for it work?
Does it need it be fixed and can it?
Could you place this item somewhere else?

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