Monday, June 20, 2011

Instruction Manuals, Warrenties, and Reciepts Oh My!

As I most certainly can relate, knowing where to find the paperwork for your electronics and appliances is really important when it comes to saving your self; stress, time, and money. Many of us buy the warranties on computers and our devices also have a lifetime warranties, but we've thrown out the paper work, or are unable to find it. You are only going to make the most of  these warranties and get what you pay for, if you can locate the papers. Having a filing system that works and a go to spot for these is key.

Start by going through your house and rounding the paper work into one pile. You'd be surprised how much you find, even the smallest devices like pedometers have limited warranties.  You should be looking for purchase or repair receipts, manuals, proof of warranties or anything else that might apply to an item.

Next go through the pile and verify that you actually still own the items for which you have paperwork. If not shred it.
Your next move is to designate and clear a spot tucked out of the way, but still allow you to find and put papers away easily.

Choose a filing system that fits both the space and your preference. Try accordion folders for small spaces, and small file boxes. These work great for pantry's, living room cabinets, or closets. Other options can include part of a filing cabinet, binders, archiving boxes, or even fire proof boxes. Whatever works for you!

Filing- Label each folder clearly and in large enough print that a person can read it quickly. Most recent repairs or work on anything should go in the front of a file.

Start by giving each computer in your house hold its own folder. These tend to have several pieces of paper and need to be kept separate from each other for clarity. I try to keep all the set up discs as well with these. It is also a good idea to make a copy of the lap top bottom with all the numbers and info on it. I also make a copy of the receipt of purchase. I do this for almost all electronics. Includedshould also be any programs that you buy and install off the Internet like virus protection in these files.Printers should get their own group folder.
         *To distinguish paperwork for similar models and same brands. I take a highlighter and run it down the side edge of the paper giving it a pink tint or blue when looking at it from the side.

You should also have a folder for both large kitchen appliances, and small appliances, receipts, warranties, and manuals go here. Any time you replace track down the manual for the old and attach it to go with the item you are getting rid of.
Ipods and Mp3's,  can be lumped in with both cellular and land phones. There is not as much paper work but they fit well together.

It's alright to put all the TVs together in a file just invest in paper clips and try highlighting the edge of one side to differentiate paper work. I also include each cable or dish box pamphlet that accompanies each TV with it in the individual TV's paper work.

Game systems and accessories can be grouped in together. They are similar in style but different again to differentiate try the highlighting trick and paper clip. Rock band equipment and Wii fit tools apply here.

Home stuff, you can separate these into four folders. Try splitting the folders this way things you would take with you if you were to move and things that will stay were you to move.
    (These are the two indoor/outdoor folders of things you wont take with you)  Home repairs indoor should have its own file, this is for any work or repairs that is done to the inside of the house. Outdoors gets it's own, same as follows I would also keep a copy of paint colors and brand types that you used in each room, new counter tops you put in and even blinds, and items in your home . Should a repair be faulty or not work it is good to have the original paper work, also helps when trying to sell a house. Documentation is key when dealing with home buyers and insurance companies, also included would be faucet fixtures.
  (These are the two you would take with you)  Home indoor: should include information about floor lamps and furniture. Outdoor would include, lawn mower, snow blowers, and patio furniture.

Any Exercise equipment can go in a shared folder. Radios and stereos can be grouped together. Its always nice to have a misc. file for hard to place items like floor fans.

I recommend designated a box or binder just for cars because of all the different types of paperwork, keep this separate from this box.

Some times buying that warranty pays off especially with laptops but knowing where you put it can be a pain, establishing and keeping track of these things can only take about 15 minutes a month to up keep if that, and  assure you didn't buy the warranty in vain its worth knowing were it is!

Organization returns.

I know it has been a long time but I finally have my computer repaired and will be publishing again very soon! Thanks for waiting and sticking it out with me!